═══ 1. ABOUT PMZipper ═══ PMZipper is a 32 bit Presentation Manager application designed to interface "arj", "lzh", "zip", and "zoo" archive files in a native OS/2 PM environment. In this version "zip" format is compatible with the dos version 204g archive format and is backward compatible with previous "zip" formats. PMZipper will display the files and default install directory of your OS/2 installation disks. Extraction of these operating system files is implemented. Direct viewing of "inf, ico, txt, doc, cmd, bat, read, bbs, pck, ann and other file extensions commonly used in the OS/2 operating system is supported. Viewing of bitmaps is internally supported. As you move the mouse around on PMZipper's window, the lower bar will display help for the function below the mouse pointer. Press "F1" for more help. PMZipper can be started by double clicking on the archive icon. These should appear the same as PMZipper's desktop icon. If not right mouse click on the archive, from the pop-up menu select "Open" then PMZipper 1.2 just below the settings heading. If you have lost your desktop icon, goto PMZipper's Main Window Menu Bar "Options" heading, drop down to the "Setup" heading and arrow to "Create-update desktop icon...". This will update and reset the default settings for the file associations and working directory. You can also start PMZipper by dropping an archive on PMZipper's desktop icon. If you include PMZipper's directory in your path statement, you can start PMZipper from the commandline by typing eg. "PMZipper ". Although more than one session can be started, this is not recommended or necessary. You can also drag and drop files on the upper right hand button of PMZipper's Main Window. The one that looks like PMZipper's desktop icon. ═══ 2. MAIN WINDOW ═══ Main Window Open Filedialog and display only "zip" files. If you wish to display only "arj", "lzh", or "zoo" files, the menubar "File" selection has an open archive heading for this purpose. Open Filedialog and display all files. You can doubleclick on any file you see here. This function button will display the filenames and default install directory of your OS/2 installation disks. Bitmaps will be displayed by an internal viewer, "inf" files by View.exe, "ico" files by the Icon Editor and txt, doc, cmd, bat, read, bbs, pck, ann, me, readme and faq by the System Editor "e.exe". You will get an information message if the file type is not supported. Create a new archive. Add files to the current archive. Delete files from the current archive. You will be prompted once more after you select this button, to be sure. If you select all files, you will be prompted to delete the archive instead. Extract files from the current archive. Select a partial listing from the list box before clicking on the extract button. If you wish to extract all files, you do not have to highlight any files from the list box. View a highlighted file. Double click on any file in the list box. Bitmaps will be displayed by an internal viewer, "inf" files by View.exe, "ico" files by the Icon Editor and all other files by the System Editor "e.exe". If you like to drag and drop, drop them on here. Again, bitmaps will be displayed by an internal viewer, "inf" files by View.exe, "ico" files by the Icon Editor and txt, doc, cmd, bat, read, bbs, pck, ann, me, readme and faq by the System Editor "e.exe". You will get an information message if the file type is not supported. The list box has multiselect and extendselect enabled. You can use swipe selection to select items in the list box. If you click on a list item while holding down the Ctrl key, the selection for that item is toggled. Clicking on an unselected item selects that item and deselects all others. Click and hold the left mouse button and pull down below the bottom of the window on a long list. The list will select and the list box will continue to move downword until you release. Main Pop-Up can be selected by clicking the right mouse button on the list box. Select "Open Folder..." to display a drive/directory listbox. Make your selection, then right mouse click on the drive/directory list box to display its Pop-Up menu. Selecting "Open" will display the folders objects. These can be dragged and dropped onto PMZipper's top right toolbar button, to view the file contents. Comment in ZIP Archive. If a comment exists in a zip file, "Comment" will appear to the right and under the toolbar. Click on the heading "Comment" to display the zip file's comment. ═══ 3. ADD WINDOW ═══ To Add files to an existing archive. SELECT: 1. Drive and directory. 2. Files from the list box. 3. Toggle- Add Files or Move Files. 4. Directory Names if required. 5. OK push button. Note 6. Cancel push button. Response ═══ 4. NEW WINDOW ═══ To Create a new archive file. SELECT: 1. Drive and directory. 2. Files from the list box. 3. Toggle- Add Files or Move Files. 4. Directory Names if required. 5. Select New Name push button. Response 6. OK push button. ═══ 5. NEW FILENAME WINDOW ═══ To enter a new filename. SELECT: 1. The drive location. 2. The directory location. 3. Enter a New filename. 4. Select "OK" push button. ═══ 6. EXTRACT WINDOW ═══ To Extract files from an existing archive. SELECT: 1. Drive and directory. 2. All Files or Selected Files. 3. Toggle- Never Overwrite or Ovewrite. 4. Directory Names if required. 5. Extract push button. 6. Cancel push button. Menu Bar: Options Create a directory... A dialog prompt will appear. The directory to create can only be nested one below an existing directory. Get default destination The default directory name will be placed in the destination field. Set default destination The directory name in the destination field will become the new default. A tone will acknowledge the new setting. The new default will be saved on program exit. CheckOut Feature: Listbox Pop-Up Click the right mouse button on the listbox to display its Pop-Up. The "Open Folder" heading performs the same as in the Main Window. This will allow you to edit, move, copy, view, and run files and programs in the target folder both before and after extracting the archive files. ═══ 7. ORDER FORM ═══ To Register: PMZipper v1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Make cheque or money order payable to: GunnerSoft Send $35.00 per license to: Mailing address: GunnerSoft Attn: G. Priesnitz R.R. # 4 Waterford, Ontario Canada N0E 1Y0 Number of copies: ______ @ $35.00 each = _______ Canadian Residents add 7% G.S.T.+ _______ Total payment enclosed _______ Name: _________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ City/Town: ______________________________________________ Province/State: __________________ Post/Zip code: ___________ Country: _________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________________ Your personal code number will be faxed or mailed to you. G.S.T. Registration Number 112168489 Comments: ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ═══ 8. README ═══ Important Information Changing Cdrom Disks Changing cdrom disks while the program is active on the cdrom drive can cause a lockup. If changing cdrom disks, log to the "" drive, then change the disk and log back to your cdrom drive. This is not a limitation of this program only and a cure for this is being investigated. Cdrom and Read Only Attribute OS/2 treats all files that are on a cdrom as being read only. This attribute is carried with the file when it is either copied or "dragged and dropped" to a hard disk or floppy. This attribute must be cleared before the file can be deleted. From the command prompt type "attrib -r ". From the Program Manager, open the settings pages for the file, select file, go to the third page, and uncheck the "read-only" box. Maximum File Listings The maximum number of file listings in the list box converts to approximately 1000 entries of an archive file. This is an OS/2 limitation. PMZipper is Self Configuring There are no user input options required. This causes a delay at startup while the necessary files and directories are loaded and located. Temporary Directory PMZipper first searches for a "TEMP" environment variable, next a "TMP" environment variable. A working directory called "PMZipper.$$$" is created under the temporary environment variable directory. Please check that the temporary environment variable directory exists. Alternatively, "PMZipper.$$$" is created under the installation directory. To set the temporary environment variable directory, include "SET TEMP=drive:\directory" in your config.sys. Don't forget to also create the directory, then shutdown and reboot so OS/2 can read in the changes you have made to the config.sys. Timer Function PMZipper(UNREG) V1.2 is time limited. A signal will sound indicating the end of a session. Shortly thereafter an orderly shutdown will begin. All work in progress will complete and all program settings will be saved. Registration will void the timer function. Archivers Required UnZip 5.0p1 of 12 January 1993, by Info-ZIP. Portions (c) 1989 by S. H. Smith. Info-ZIP 2.01 Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gailly and Kai Uwe Rommel. UNARJ (DEMO VERSION) 2.41 COPYRIGHT (C) 1991-93 ROBERT K JUNG LH/2 Version 2.22 (32 bit wc) by Peter Fitzsimmons ZOO210 (C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi Typical BBS Listings for OS/2 Archivers UNZ501.EXE 114K 7-08-93 32bit UNZIP for OS/2 2.x (freeware). This is the 32 bit version of Project Info-ZIP's UNZIP de-archiver. It is fully compatible with the latest "pkzip" compression formats and it handles EA's and long filenames. UNZ51X32.EXE 144K 2-19-94+ Info-Zip's 32-bit unzipping utility version 5.1. ZIP201X2.ZIP 117K 10-17-93 InfoZip 2.01 w/o Encription 32bit. UNARJ241.ZIP 27K 6-28-93 UnArj 2.41 recompiled for OS/2 with C/Set++ Executable only. LH2_222.EXE 134K 3-09-93 New 32-bit version of LH (LZH) archiver fixes problem with previous release. ZOO21E.EXE 319K 7-01-92 ZOO file compressor/decompressor for OS/2. Works with files with .ZOO extension. Version 2.1. Source code included. lh2_222.zip 114258 LHARC version 2.22 (16 and 32-bit versions) unarj210.zip 84791 ARJ file extractor version 2.10 zoo210e.exe 119554 ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT compatible) - Executables unz50x32.exe 116709 Info-ZIP UNZIP version 5.0 - 32-bit executables zip201x2.zip 119552 Info-ZIP ZIP version 2.01 - 32-bit executables Dir of My Arcers in the Path The volume label in drive D is DRIVE D. The Volume Serial Number is A5F9:7814 Directory of D:\ARCERS · 3-19-94 11:05a ·· 3-19-94 11:05a LH32 EXE 77883 3-03-93 12:56a UNARJ EXE 53068 6-27-93 6:36a UNZIP EXE 76854 1-15-93 8:26p ZIP EXE 93232 9-19-93 1:04p ZOO EXE 85371 7-05-92 1:46p 7 file(s) 386408 bytes used 200657792 bytes free OS/2 Install Disk 5-15-93 11:27a 71632 53 UNPACK.EXE 5-14-93 10:55p 75712 53 UNPACK2.EXE ═══ ═══ The Move Files option deletes the original as it is added to the archive file. Files with the read only attribute set will not be deleted. ═══ ═══ Duplicate entries in the archive will be overwritten. ═══ ═══ Returns to the main window and the list box and filespecs update. ═══ ═══ The NEW FILENAME filedialog window appears. ═══ ═══ To enter a new filename. SELECT: 1. The drive location. 2. The directory location. 3. Enter a New filename. 4. Select "OK" push button. ═══ ═══ The list box has multiselect and extendselect enabled. You can use swipe selection to select items in the list box. If you click on a list item while holding down the Ctrl key, the selection for that item is toggled. Clicking on an unselected item selects that item and deselects all others.